The Better Weigh



before and after Zanne Solomon


In 2015, I was at my heaviest weight of 148.8kg. I had seen many dietitians, but I could never follow through with their restrictive diet plans that left me feeling hungry and miserable. After all, who likes cottage cheese?

In addition, I felt judged by these thin women who appeared never to have battled with weight themselves (although that judgement may have been my own invention). I thought, ‘If they can’t understand my struggle or haven’t walked in my shoes, how can they help me?’

Since then, I have completely changed my lifestyle and have lost over 70kg. I am fit and healthy and bursting with energy. And I want other people who are battling with their weight to experience the same success and wellbeing.

I obtained my BSc in Dietetics from the University of Stellenbosch, and like all dietitians, I can offer you my scientific knowledge of nutrition and physiology. There are many approaches to weight loss and I can help you find the one that works for you.

But I can also offer you my experienced understanding of weight loss. I know what it feels like, I know how hard it is, and I know how to help you change your life.





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